Business Applications

Built on Microsoft Power Platform


The Company

Biz Apps Company is an Australian based research and development startup specialized in developing business applications at scale using Microsoft Power Platform and Azure cloud services.

Our main focus is to provide innovative software products that go beyond customers' expectations. We love to innovate, research and work with cutting-edge technologies.

Digital [R]Evolution

We are developing a new generation of data-driven business applications that not only help companies in their digital transformation journey but also help them to evolve their business in this new era of intelligent cloud and intelligent edge.
With built-in capabilities for business process automation and integration with other systems, our products are focused on reducing costs and improving efficiency.

The Platform

Leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform and Azure Serverless computing we are developing cloud-native applications that are infused with intelligent services providing meaningful insights for better decision making.

Apps at scale

We believe that in today’s world every business is equally important, regardless of its size.
Our applications are designed to scale so it doesn’t matter if you are a small company or large enterprise you should use the technology to reach your full potential.
We work hard to finish what we are working on so stay tuned!